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Thursday, June 9, 2011

Breast cancer, radiotherapy effect is good

Electron accelerator, and cobalt 60 therapy unit for external irradiation, the primary purpose of killing Aikuai and metastatic cancer cells within lymph nodes. After radiotherapy, some Aikuai reduced, so the original can not be converted to breast cancer surgery operation. More commonly used in clinical practice more than 3 axillary lymph node metastasis in postoperative patients, or inside with the central lesions after axillary lymph node disease into. For patients with bone metastasis, radiotherapy to reduce local pain is better.

(A) without radiation therapy after breast surgery preserving the special circumstances

Aged 70 or over 70 years, T1, and ER (estrogen receptor) positive, have received wide excision (removal of open edges such as a quarter-negative breast), adjuvant therapy received tamoxifen.

(B) the local recurrence of breast cancer radiotherapy

Breast local recurrence after modified radical mastectomy radiotherapy, which local recurrence after surgical chest wall or skin usually presents asymptomatic nodules.

Radiotherapy Range: Most scholars advocate expanding field radiotherapy to chest wall recurrence, for example, Ono and the whole chest wall radiation therapy compared with the second recurrence, Bedwinek report results such as, respectively, 14/26 and 3 / 53.2, radiotherapy dose: Prevention amount of DT = 5000cGy/25f/5w. Local lesions> 3cm, requires DT = 6000cGy/30f/6w. More are higher. DT = 7000cGy/2w.

Distant metastasis of breast cancer radiotherapy, one of the most common bone metastasis, followed by lung and pleural metastasis to the principles of palliative radiotherapy, to relieve symptoms as the goal. The bone and brain metastases, the preferred method is radiation dose to normal tissue lesions of peripheral tolerance to the limit, as much as possible of DT = 7000cGy/7w radical dose.

(C) radiation therapy for early breast cancer


1, single breast lesion, the maximum diameter ≤ 3cm.

2, breast with the tumor compared to large enough section of the line lumpectomy or breast resection had no significant abnormalities outside.

3, breast cancer areola area is located outside of the site.

4, axillary lymph nodes or a single non-movable lymph node enlargement. 5, patients over the age of 35, willing to accept those who breast-conserving treatment.

(D) radical mastectomy or modified radical postoperative adjuvant radiotherapy


1, axillary lymph node metastasis in patients not suitable for radiotherapy.

2, generally do not increase the survival rate after radiotherapy, but the lesion is located within the quadrant, axillary lymph node positive, postoperative radiotherapy can improve survival.

3, postoperative radiotherapy can reduce the recurrence rate of local and regional lymph nodes, which is the biggest benefit of postoperative radiotherapy.


1, the object limit lesions ≤ 5cm, axillary lymph node metastases, no postoperative radiotherapy.

2, or central area within the quadrant lesions, axillary lymph node-negative, internal mammary lymph node irradiation.

3, each quadrant lesions, axillary lymph node metastasis, irradiation axillary, supraclavicular and internal mammary lymph nodes.

4, incomplete axillary dissection, lymph node extranodal invasion, lymph node integration into a group or with the surrounding tissue fixation, postoperative radiotherapy should be the whole armpit area.

5, breast primary tumor> 5cm, skin edema, ulceration, erythema, or with the chest fixed, axillary lymph node metastases> 20%, or ≥ 4 δΈͺ who should be added after chest wall radiotherapy.

(V) locally advanced breast cancer radiotherapy

The following three cases of advanced local breast cancer are:

1, extensive infiltration of breast skin, a skin of satellite nodules, extensive orange peel syndrome or ulcers.

2, the tumor and chest wall fixation.

3, fused into a group of axillary lymph node, fixed or supraclavicular lymph nodes metastasis.


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