In life frequently eat some vegetables and honey and yogurt, pollen food, tea, fungi food, seafood can be effective in preventing breast cancer, vegetables and fresh vegetables such as carrots, radish, gourd fruit, eggplant, cabbage, etc., containing the interferon inducer, can stimulate cells to produce interferon. This substance can enhance the patient's resistance to disease and cancer. But it is vulnerable to the effects of heat damage, so the above. Food to be eaten raw as well. Many studies have confirmed that garlic has anti-cancer ability of garlic in the fat-soluble volatile oil can activate macrophages, enhance the body's cancer-fighting ability; also contains a sulfur-containing compounds, also have to kill tumor cells. Onions can also be cancer, it may contain a glutathione and a variety of vitamins reason. Lymphoma, bladder cancer, lung cancer and skin cancer, and so are defensive role.
Honey and royal jelly honey can promote metabolism, increase body resistance to improve the hematopoietic function and tissue repair. In recent years, found that bee royal jelly contains a special lactic acid, effective prevention and treatment of cancer.
Milk and yogurt milk calcium and vitamin D, in the intestine combined with carcinogenic substances, removing its harmful effects. Yogurt can inhibit tumor cell growth.
Pollen food effect is to increase intelligence, to promote development, the blood, increase endurance, anti-aging, with a hormone-like role in enhancing disease resistance and so on.
Tea contains catechins, to remove the body of radioactive substances. Rehabilitation of patients undergoing radiotherapy are often beneficial tea. Tea can also prevent tooth decay.
Fungal foods contain sugars and interferon inducer, can inhibit tumor. Mushrooms on the stomach, esophagus, lung cancer, cervical cancer have a certain effect. Mushroom also has the same effect on tumor inhibition. Hericium effect on gastric cancer, prolong patient survival time and improve immunity. White fungus on the tumor was inhibited. In recent years, found that 90% of the B Poria cocos polysaccharide can enhance immune function, have anti-cancer tumors.
Seafood can be used as the treatment of cancer patients food. The main active ingredient is seaweed polysaccharide and sodium alginate. Alginate combined with radioactive strontium excreted. Eat kelp, seaweed and other foods for health. Shark cartilage can inhibit tumor growth, inhibit the tumor to the surrounding shark fin infiltration capacity. Fish is rich in selenium, zinc, calcium
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