In recent years, the incidence rate of breast cancer in women increased, especially in women aged 40-50, now 30-year-old woman suffering from breast cancer is relatively common. Prevention of breast cancer, in addition to a yearly physical examination, normal life, eat more cabbage and soy can prevent breast cancer.
Medicinal and Edible, both therapeutic anti-cancer effects of some food items can be targeted to selected applications. People use it with cloves, Shi Di treatment of esophageal cancer, breast cancer, liver cancer, experiments have confirmed that their cancer-causing virus in mice transplanted tumor was inhibited. Everyday foods such as garlic, soy, green tea, etc., are also anti-cancer medicine.
With the treatment to be flexible before and after surgery for breast cancer patients to eat, add nutrition. During radiotherapy, the patient's diet should strive to light taste, it is not appropriate Atsumi tired of the stomach into the product.
Women aged 40-50, who are able to eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, especially pay attention to eat cabbage and soy products, because the cabbage contains a compound that can help break down estrogen. Soy products containing isoflavones are able to inhibit breast cancer. Alternatively, you can eat more fish, because fish contains a fatty acid, also inhibit cancer cell proliferation. The salted, smoked, grilled foods must eat less of these foods will increase the risk of cancer.
Female health products to be used with caution in women, because women health care products containing estrogen causes breast epithelial cell proliferation, and even cancer. Therefore, under the guidance of the doctors to take.
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