Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Vitamin D against breast cancer should be limited

Monday, June 20, 2011
How to prevent upper extremity edema after breast cancer

A cup of yogurt every day, so you stay away from breast cancer

Warning! Breast Cancer is spreading

Prevention of breast cancer: you can do it!

Sunday, June 19, 2011
Against breast cancer, "three early" effect is well

Why breast cancer may metastasize after surgery?

The most common complication after breast cancer surgery

Easy bleeding after breast cancer
Wrong concept of breast cancer, "one by one break"

Saturday, June 18, 2011
For breast, more care, less pain

Breast Cancer: Should be alert in menopause!

9 unscientific argument about "breast cancer"

High incidence of urban women with breast cancer is a common factor in delayed marriage and childbearing, fewer number of births, shorter feeding time, and fast disturbance of city life, which are endocrine disorder, induced breast cancer.
Breast cancer is a genetic disease? Wrong
Pathogenesis of breast cancer is still not clear. However, scientists have already identified two genes associated with breast cancer: BRCA1 and BRCA2. The two genes mutated women, 40% to 80% of the risk of breast cancer, but another 20-60% medical records can not be explained by genes, 80% of breast cancer, and there is no clear family history records. So, even if you have a family history of breast cancer is not, and never be taken lightly. Meanwhile, those who have a family history of women, should be more close attention to their breasts.
Breast cancer is the first cancer killer of women? Wrong
Not the cause of female cancer deaths in most of the cancer, but it is the highest incidence of female cancer. According to the American Cancer Society data, in the United States, breast cancer incidence rate is about 111/10 million. China is a traditional low-incidence areas of breast cancer, according to the National Cancer Research Office of the Yangling Deng's study, in 2005, female breast cancer incidence rate of 24.8/10 million, ranking first in various types of cancer and lead to 48,164 people death. Even more frightening is that from 2000 to 2005, the number of breast cancer increased by 38.5%, and the momentum rapidly.
Use antiperspirants can cause breast cancer? Wrong
There is no evidence that the use of underarm antiperspirants or reduce the secretion of sweat glands can lead to increased incidence of breast cancer. This statement may be derived from people's lack of anatomical knowledge, or from the mouth of some unhealthy skeptic.
Breast cancer is the disease women? Wrong
While most men is concerned, only the breast to give him trouble is the fault of a transient adolescent breast hyperplasia (I believe that many men have had the same experience.) However, according to some studies, the incidence of male breast cancer is about (0.85 ~ 1.30) / 10 million. Because male breast fat tissue less likely violation of the subcutaneous lymphatic cancer network, so the fatality rate is very high, the United States in 2005, 460 men died from breast cancer. So fellow men must not be taken lightly on the breast changes.
Taking birth control pills can cause breast cancer? Wrong
Numerous studies (such as Marchbanks2002 published in the "New England Journal of Medicine," the survey) indicate that oral contraceptives do not increase the likelihood of women suffering from breast cancer, but a family history of breast cancer risk women should pay attention to a slight increase. Modern oral contraceptives contain only very low doses of hormones, and women taking oral contraceptives contribute to conditioning the menstrual cycle, ovarian cancer and reduce the incidence of endometrial cancer, reduce osteoporosis symptoms. As with any other drugs, oral contraceptives, we all have to appropriate the advantages and disadvantages.
High fat diet can lead to breast cancer? Wrong
Several large studies have not shown increased incidence of high fat diet and breast cancer a clear link between. However, refused to high-fat food is indeed a wise choice, especially if you already overweight. Indeed, obesity can increase the incidence of breast cancer because fat tissue also secrete estrogen, excess body fat increases estrogen levels, which is a risk factor for breast cancer.
Breast self-test is the most effective way for early diagnosis? Wrong
Breast X-ray examination, especially for recent mammography camera inspection is the most reliable means of early diagnosis of breast cancer. Fingers can sense the 1.5 cm size of the tumor, while the X-ray can be found less than 0.5 cm of the tumor and determine its properties. For breast self, can not exaggerate its effect. Guide to the U.S. early diagnosis of cancer from 2005 onwards will no longer recommend breast self as a method of early diagnosis of breast cancer. Experts recommend women over 35 years of age, should be conducted every 18 months, a professional breast examination, including X-ray inspection and palpation of professional doctors. The busy life of those who have family history and hypertension in women, experts suggest starting from the age of 30.
Is equal to mastectomy in breast cancer treatment? Wrong
Variety of breast cancer treatment, more than half of the patients received breast-conserving treatment can be, even if the removal of the breast need not necessarily require total removal of the breasts, and now have a lot to preserve the appearance of the breast with surgery, which can largely reduce the mental patients pressure.
Diagnosis of breast cancer equivalent to the death sentence? Wrong
80% no transfer of medical records of breast cancer diagnosis, these patients up to 80% survival rate five years, a number of high quality of life after treatment for many years. Even those who have metastatic breast cancer patients can continue to live a long time. In particular the treatment of breast cancer with each passing day, as long as soon as possible to find that breast cancer does not mean the end of life.
Sex after breast cancer surgery

Friday, June 17, 2011
Risk of breast cancer increased in five type of women

Women the following factors increased the risk of breast cancer:
One. Mother, sister, daughter or two or more close relatives (such as cousins) of breast cancer history (especially their age of onset less)
II. With increasing age, increased risk of breast cancer.
III. The first full-term child-bearing age of 35 years.
IV. The early age of menarche and late menopause, the extension of the age, breast tissue often makes the role of estrogen in the body by the length of time, a large risk of breast cancer.
Five. Although the impact of postpartum lactation on breast cancer is not entirely clear, but recent studies suggest that breastfeeding for a long time, the risk of breast cancer to less. But you must keep in mind: The above refers only to these factors, "breast cancer" risk factors does not mean that these factors will be the women to breast cancer, even if the mother and sisters have a history of breast cancer for women, there are still 3 / 4 did not develop into breast cancer.
Meanwhile, the women without such risk factors can not be said is perfectly safe; most breast cancer patients and no clear family history or other risk factors.
Expert Tip: At present, breast cancer treatment has made substantial progress, surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy, Chinese medicine treatment, endocrine therapy for breast cancer there has been parallel to the four treatment efficacy. Comprehensive treatment of breast cancer point of view has been accepted by all, but should tell you that the better treatment of breast cancer is not a comprehensive treatment, the more expensive the better, newer the better, but should be based on the patient's specific circumstances, such as stage of disease Sooner or later, metastatic sites, age, whether the menopause, whether by receptor-positive and so the effect of prior treatment repeated as appropriate, scientific and reasonable arrangement, after full consideration of the specification of individual therapy, to minimize recurrence and improve survival, improve the quality of life.
Fish oil can reduce the risk of breast cancer

Thursday, June 16, 2011
Sunlight can prevent breast cancer

Newport News, Virginia United States city of Grant report, breast cancer and eating more animal fat, whereas the sun exposure on breast cancer prevention.
Grant in the 1989-1996 study in North America, South America, Asia and Europe 35 countries, food supply data, these data reflect only a country's food supply, does not reflect the different groups of food intake. Grant under the country's latitude, the sun's ultraviolet B irradiation estimated the situation.
The results show that animal food (eg meat) diet increases the high risk of breast cancer, and rich in vegetables, fruits, cereals and fish diet can reduce breast cancer risk. The reason why animal foods increase risk of breast cancer because they contain more insulin-like growth factor 1 and estrogen; vegetables contain antioxidants and phytoestrogens, which can reduce the risk of breast cancer. Alcohol can adjust the effect of estrogen on the breast. By vitamin D and fish ω-3 fatty acids reduce the risk of breast cancer.
Previous studies also found that a country's total fat intake and breast cancer incidence in the country concerned. Grant said the fat intake and breast cancer may reflect the relationship between diet high in animal foods and wine, and low plant food diet and the impact of fish.
However, Thun pointed out that the assessment of dietary factors on breast cancer is often not found in fat intake are risk factors, other studies are exploring other dietary factors other than fat role, such as the B vitamins folic acid is the role of the prevention of breast cancer, and exercise whether breast cancer prevention. American Cancer Society researchers believe that certain foods increase the risk of breast cancer, or reduce the risk of breast cancer is far from clear.
As for the role of the sun, Grant found that latitude and breast cancer, suggesting that more UV-B radiation on breast cancer prevention. UV-B can increase the synthesis of vitamin D, Grant believes that vitamin D and sun exposure preventive effects. Some studies suggest vitamin D has anti-cancer effect.
Thun noted the northeastern United States a higher incidence of breast cancer, and lower incidence of the southwest, some people think that sunlight and vitamin D role. However, Thun said: "The possible role of the sun never clear, we know that ultraviolet rays can cause skin cancer." There are other sources of vitamin D, such as fish and fortified milk. Grant reported the Nordic countries in winter higher levels of blood vitamin D, where consumption of fish may be the main source for vitamin D.
Chinese cabbage can prevent breast cancer

Eat more cabbage can prevent breast cancer. New York Institute of Science hormone found in the incidence of breast cancer on women is much lower than in Western women is the result of eating cabbage are many. Survey shows that 10 million women each year in number of breast cancer: 6 China, Japan, 21, 84 northern Europe, the United States 91.
Scientists have discovered a compound in cabbage, which can help break down breast cancer associated with estrogen, the compound called indole -3-- methanol, about 1% of dry weight of Chinese cabbage. Women ate 450 grams of cabbage per day will be able to absorb 500 mg of this compound, so that the body of a child increase in the number of important enzymes, this enzyme can help break down estrogen.
Chinese cabbage to eat a lot, more cooking point of view, whether it is fried, leavened, burning, frying, braised, grilled, rinse, cold, pickled, there can be made into delicious dishes, especially with fresh mushroom, mushroom , ham, shrimp, meat, chestnuts equivalent to burning, you can make a lot of features cuisine.
Taboo food:
Consumption of Chinese cabbage for everyone. More suitable for chronic habitual constipation, colds, Hyperactivity cough, throat inflammation, abdominal distension and fever of human consumption. With cabbage leaves to reduce the right cheek to the Ministry of acne growth.
Diarrhea avoid eating cabbage:
Can not eat rotten cabbage, as in bacteria under the effect of nitrate in cabbage into toxic nitrite. Nitrite in the blood can lower blood cell oxidation, methemoglobin abundance changes, upgrading to the oxygen carrying capacity of the right to use human hypoxia caused severe poisoning, dizziness, headache, nausea, rapid heartbeat, coma, even life-threatening.
Chinese cabbage and soy can prevent breast cancer

Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Diet Regulation after breast cancer surgery

Breast cancer patient's diet principles
1, emphasizing a balanced diet, focusing on righting tonic
Patients with breast cancer "within the virtual" is a disease, the principal contradiction in the development process. Due to virtual and cancer, because cancer Erzhi virtual, virtual reality in the folder to virtual oriented. The purpose of diet in breast cancer patients is to ensure adequate nutrition, improve the body's resistance to diseases, to promote the rehabilitation of the patient should be the principle of righting the total tonic. So "in", said: "Valley of meat, fruit and vegetable nutrition, do no make off of, it is also injured." Tonic in righting the general principles under the guidance of diet on breast cancer patients should be nutrition, variety based, balanced. As the "via" says: "grain for the support, the five fruits in order to assist, five animals for the benefit, the five dishes for the charge." Biased, then more harm than good.
2, familiar with the attribution of taste, emphasizing the Dialectic food
Breast cancer and other diseases, patients are yin and yang sheng, actual situation of the different cold and heat. Food is also cool and cold and heat, Xin stand by the acid gas salty flavors of the other four. Heat syndrome should be cold, cold syndrome should be warm; Gomi entrance, all have somewhere to go, Gan Rupi, Xin lung, salt into the kidney, into the heart of bitter, sour portal triad. Pungent warm casual, such as ginger, scallion stalk; sweet taste mild, such as yam, Gorgon, caramel; mild infiltration benefits, such as melon, Coix; sour astringent, such as plum, hawthorn; salty soft firm, such as seaweed, kelp, oysters and so on.
3, select the anti-cancer foods, and strive to have targeted
Medicinal and Edible, both therapeutic anti-cancer effects of some food items can be targeted to selected applications. People use it with cloves, Shi Di treatment of esophageal cancer, breast cancer, liver cancer, experiments have confirmed that their cancer-causing virus in mice transplanted tumor was inhibited. Everyday foods such as garlic, soy, green tea, etc., are also anti-cancer medicine.
Breast cancer diet
Breast cancer patients due to the application of other drugs, leading to poor appetite, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and other symptoms. Because of the disease on the body has a great impact, the body after breast cancer surgery is more weak. At this point, the diet of breast cancer patients is particularly important conditioning. Breast cancer diet which note it?
In breast cancer patients in the diet, circulating in society: "Can not eat chicken," "can not eat eggs," "can not extend their" and other phrases, for breast cancer patients and their families know what to do after eating. To the attention of postoperative patients with breast cancer are as follows:
Breast cancer after a conditioning diet: dietary diversification, balanced nutrition
Balanced diet of cancer patients is the best way to maintain a normal body weight. Balanced diet, diversity, not a partial eclipse, do not eat, with meat and vegetables, with the thickness. Multi cooking steaming, boiling, stewing, try to eat less fried food.
Breast cancer diet conditioning II: a reasonable diet
Breast cancer patients to do the diet taboos, breast cancer patients not eat raw onion, garlic and mother of pork, pumpkin, wine, and Xin Wen, fry, greasy, Hunxing Atsumi, stale, musty, etc. to help the fire of Health sputum shipped hinder food spleen.
Breast cancer after three conditioning diets: breast cancer surgery may be given Qi and blood, qi Sanjie of the goods, consolidation effect, to facilitate recovery. As a mountain powder, spinach, gourd, seaweed, hawthorn, roses and so on.
Breast cancer diet conditioning IV: Postoperative radiotherapy of breast cancer, it is easy Hao Shang Yin-chun, it should be served Ganliang moisture foods. Such as the almond cream, loquat fruit, Pear, plum, lotus root, banana, olive and so on.
Breast cancer after five conditioning diet: breast cancer after chemotherapy, if there digestive tract and bone marrow suppression response, edible and Heweijiangni, Qi and nourishing food, such as fresh ginger, fresh fruit juice, rice, white lentils, black fungus, sunflower seeds and so on.
Patients with breast cancer after following a diet menu for reference.
Recipes breast cancer after a conditioning diet: ginger spinach
Ingredients: Spinach 300g,, fresh ginger 3g, salt 3g, sauce 5g, monosodium glutamate, the amount of vinegar, sesame oil 6g, pepper oil 3g.
Method: put off the yellow leaves of spinach, washed, cut into 6 ~ 7cm size of the segment. Fresh ginger, peeled, cut into filaments. Pot, add water, set the fire, boiling, add a little boiled spinach paragraph, remove and control water, gently squeeze about, let cool into the tray, fresh ginger and spices to add cool with spinach, tasty mix can be.
Breast cancer diet recipes conditioning II: White Beans
Materials: white beans 500g, dried tangerine peel 40g, salt, monosodium glutamate the amount.
Practice: first white beans rinse, soak up. Orange peel cut into the end use. The white beans and dried tangerine peel into the pot, add the amount of water and salt, stir to boil first, then Gaixiao simmer until the white beans boiled, the redeployment of MSG Serve.
Conditioning diet breast cancer after three recipes: Sweet potato porridge
Ingredients: sweet potatoes 300g, corn, 150g.
Method: Wash sweet potatoes, cage steam cooked, peeled, cut into 3cm-sized knife block. Corn, washing clean, spare. Wash the chestnut rice into the pot, add some water, stir to boil first, then low heat continue to cook boil until the rice to be boiled, add sweet potato pieces can be boiled into a porridge.
Diet in breast cancer patients after surgery for breast cancer patients body conditioning is very important to restore the hope that breast cancer patients after surgery diet must be strictly in accordance with the requirements of the above-mentioned points to their diet, to achieve early healing purposes.
Both breast cancer therapeutic side
[Materials] 50 grams of immature figs, orange juice 50 ml lemon juice 15 ml, 200 ml fresh milk, honey, 20 ml.
[The system of law] first immature fig (ie picking heads a moderate peel figs) water wash, peel, slice along the handle, into the pot, add water, amount, simmer 40 minutes, until flesh , skin, stem and other Shulan a paste, gauze filter gravy. Dregs of the filter wok, add water, amount to continue boiling for 30 minutes, then filtered with gauze gravy combined 2 gravy, mix well, cook until boiling and then simmer, remove from heat, transferred to orange juice, lemon juice and honey , mixing evenly, Serve.
[Eat] morning and evening 2 pm service.
[Effect] Qi tonic, nutritional supplements. The therapeutic side for breast cancer Shenpi fatigue, physical weakness, sickness.
[Review] fig, also known as milk and berries, and sweet, non-toxic, not only sweet and delicious, and has a high medicinal value. Successful post-stasis fig swelling, heat detoxification. Modern scientific research confirms that the milk from mature fruits has never been inhibited transplanted sarcoma in rats, mice spontaneous breast cancer, can make tumor necrosis. Fig extract can delay the migration of cancer, myeloid leukemia, lymphosarcoma development, degradation of the tumor cells.
Experimental study also found that not only has the figs function of the immune system activation, and it contains vitamins A, D, C and β-glucan and other anti-cancer effect. Orange juice, lemon juice, milk that has Qi tonic, the role of nutritional supplements has been known, were prepared with fig gravy cost of therapeutic side, especially for breast cancer in middle-aged patients nursed back to health, and after Shenpi fatigue, physical weakness embolism tonic nursed back to health a more visible effect, and thus play a tumor suppressor cancer prevention, and promote the important role of rehabilitation.
Turtle stew yam Longan
[Materials] home 200 grams of yam, longan meat, 25 grams, a soft-shelled turtle (weighing about 500 grams).
[System of law] burn yourself to death first turtle into the boiling pot, Duoqu head, claws, turtle shells thrown off cover, removing the trachea, viscera, washed, cut into 1 cm square pieces and set aside. Yam into the water in the wash house, outside the plane to the thin skin, cut open, cut into thin slices, and washed longan meat, turtle stew into a small box with poison, add chicken stock (or soup) amount, and add wine, green onion, ginger, on the cage, a fish stew with the fire Shulan such as cakes, remove, add salt, MSG, the amount of five-spice powder and sesame oil, mix well Serve.
[Eat] adorned as food, free food, eating a fish, drink soup, chewing yam, longan flesh.
[Effect] Spleen Qi, Yin Sheng Jin. The therapeutic side for breast cancer Qiyinliangxu, Shenpi fatigue, lack of energy.
[Review] yam and sweet, flat, good at meeting the spleen and stomach, lung and kidney benefits, clinical for postoperative physical weakness, lack of energy embolism obvious nourishing treatment. Longan can benefit the Heart, nourishing the nerves, on both heart and spleen, certificates of qi and blood deficiency, a significant effect, adhere to long-term take Longan single flavor, that is a better therapeutic effect. Turtle Yin and the wonderful traditional products, both Yin and cooling, but also YangYinShengJin. Compatibility of these three tastes cooked food into the diet, with a strong spleen Qi, YangYinShengJin effect on breast cancer patients Qiyinliangxu and Shenpi fatigue, lassitude embolism has a good adjuvant therapy.
Female should attach importance to early breast hyperplasia

The diet principles of each stage in breast cancer patients

Maintain a healthy state of mind and optimism, is conducive to the normal regulation of endocrine activity, the prevention of breast cancer and breast cancer, an important aspect of the development. Practice has proved that, where the spirit of optimism, confidence in treatment than enough, patients and doctors with better efficacy better; the contrary, the poor. Correct despair, negative, and other psychological state.
1. Food conditioning principles
(1) A balanced diet should be diverse: a balanced diet to maintain normal weight cancer patients is the best way. Balanced diet including whole grains and cereals with rich energy, adequate protein, rich in fiber, high salt and rich in vitamins A, C, E, K, folic acid and other easily digested food. Such as corn, brown rice, whole wheat flour, vegetable oil, honey, sugar, royal jelly, lean meat, eggs, beans, milk, mushroom, carrots, bamboo shoots, squash, cucumbers, cauliflower, spinach, cabbage, celery, yellow vegetables, tomatoes, garlic, kelp, seaweed, fish, animal liver, kidney, and ginseng, wolfberry fruit, yam, Ganoderma lucidum, Cordyceps sinensis and fresh fruit. Should be low fat, low salt, low sugar diet, appropriate reduction in fat intake, such as Eat less fatty meat, cheese, butter and so on.
(2) breast cancer patients not eat raw onion, garlic and mother of pork, pumpkin, wine, and Xin Wen, fry, greasy, Hunxing Atsumi, stale, musty, etc. to help the fire phlegm splenic food hamper. Yi Shi kelp, seaweed, seaweed, oysters, asparagus, fresh kiwi and other functional food with phlegm Endometriosis.
(3) after breast cancer surgery may be given Qi and blood, qi and relieves congestion of the goods, consolidation effect, to facilitate recovery. As a mountain powder, rice, spinach, gourd, kelp, carp, loach, jujube, orange, hawthorn, roses and so on.
(4) breast cancer radiotherapy, it is easy Hao Shang Yin-chun, Hu nourishing food should be served Ganliang. Such as the almond cream, Kai loquat fruit, Pear, plum, lotus root, banana, carrot, Su, olive and so on.
(5) breast cancer chemotherapy, the event of the digestive tract and bone marrow suppression response, edible and Heweijiangni, BNI of goods, such as fresh ginger, sugar cane juice, fresh fruit juice, bergamot, tomato, raw barley, rice, white beans, fungus, black fungus, sunflower seeds and so on.
2. Diet therapy
(1) TCM and meal: Chinese medicine, diseases are cold, heat, true, false points, the food is also cold, hot, warm and cool the other. Patients with warm fresh cold, fever with the cold of the goods, in order to correct the bias of food diseases side, to achieve the purpose of medical treatment. For example, heat deficiency syndrome, a common clinical bacterial infections in cancer or receiving combined radiotherapy and chemotherapy, the performance of dry mouth, Shezao, tongue red, purple, no moss, constipation, scanty dark urine, irritability, etc., catering to should choose Yin, fluid, heat, cooling blood of the goods, such as rice gruel, mung bean, bitter gourd, radish, raw Oujie, kiwi, white fungus, turtle, etc., avoid eating hot food. Another example is the stomach Deficiency Syndrome: performance of mouth pale and tasteless, clear saliva when the spat, thermophilic cold, lack of energy, tired, warm yang foods should be selected, such as jujube, longan, ginger, lamb, or The concentration of cooking chemicals, avoid cold food. It should also be according to the disease, flexible. Dyspepsia should be chosen with less oil, low protein, carbohydrates and eat more foods rich in vitamins. Loss of appetite, stomach acid is low, select the hawthorn products, or add some vinegar to taste right, who usually eat spicy, it may be appropriate to vote for. Insomnia, irritability, Pinggan should eat foods such as clams, mussels, turtles, white fungus, frog oil.
In general, food should not be too taboo, as long as eating, I felt very comfortable and can continue to eat. If too many taboos, but increased malnutrition. As for some cold and heat unbiased, nutrient-rich foods, more desirable nature of cancer patients.
(2) a single prescription diet
① hippocampus ham broiler. Hippocampus 25g, shrimp 25g, broiler a ham 10 g, rice wine, monosodium glutamate, salt, onion, ginger, broth, water, the amount of starch. Chicken slaughter good wash, into the enamel basin, hippocampus, shrimp, ham, respectively, into the chicken, and add the scallion, ginger, salt, MSG, rice wine, broth amount. Will be filled with various objects on the enamel bowl stir steaming rotten on the cage. Remove the chicken Sheng dish, with chicken juice, salt, rice wine, monosodium glutamate pot, add water, cornstarch thickening the sauce evenly, pour the chicken balls. Gastronomic cuisine, casual food. Yang breast cancer treatment.
Braised Sea Cucumber Crab ②. 750% water, fat thorn sea cucumber, Crab meat 250g, coriander 50g, lard, chicken broth, cooking wine, salt, pepper, monosodium glutamate, onion, ginger, chicken oil, water, the amount of starch. Clean pull thorns sea cucumber, cut into 6cm square of the small, coriander leaves to take clean, green onions, chopped ginger wash. D with boiling water boil for a short sea cucumber remove and drain thoroughly. Boil hot, the next lard, one crab meat, onion, ginger stir-fry, cooking with wine about, and then to chicken soup, plus seawater parameters D, salt, monosodium glutamate, pepper, water, starch, starch leaching Cantharellus, Sheng who bowl , the scattered handful of coriander leaves Serve. Gastronomic cuisine, food intake is not limited. Physically weak persons treatment of breast cancer.
③ figs braised ribs. 5 fresh figs, pork 500 g, medlar, 20 g, dried tangerine peel 10 g, sauce quality. Ribs chopped into small pieces, washed with boiling water burns. Medlar, tangerine peel clean; figs cut into small pieces. A total of four home flavor the pot, add water, amount, cook until thoroughly cooked, add seasoning Serve. 2 times a day, food intake is not limited. Physically weak persons treatment of breast cancer.
④ Ma stew meat. Dragon 1, Hippocampus 1, lean pork, 50 g, dried vegetables, wolfberry fruit, spices amount. Wash all flavor, pork cut into small pieces, were set to pot, add water, amount, cook until thoroughly cooked, add seasoning Serve. 1 day, eating soup. This side transfer gas and blood, for breast cancer blood deficiency.
⑤ Astragalus seaweed soup. Seaweed 40 g, Astragalus 20 g. Second taste Wash, plus adequate water, Jian Zhi. 1 day, 3 times service, soup to eat seaweed. Shortness of breath and sweating this side of breast cancer are suitable.
⑥ days door winter tea. Aspartic 8 g, green tea, 1 g. The aspartic fried pieces, and the juxtaposition of the cup of tea with boiling water for 5 minutes Serve. Day on behalf of the tea used. This side is appropriate in patients with early breast cancer, there is recent effect, can also be used treatment of leukemia.
⑦ Ginseng Poria Bay Yang Rong Hong cream. Ginseng, Poria, Cyperus rotundus, Fritillaria, dried tangerine peel, Rehmannia glutinosa, Chuanxiong, Angelica, white peony root of the 100 g, Atractylodes 120 g, Campanulaceae 60 g, licorice 60 g, ginger 30 g, jujube 20, Baimi amount. Taste are the first 14 washed into gauze bags, truss mouth, water immersion, into a large pot, boiling with the fire, the fire switch in the stew. Take medicine or juice every 30 minutes once, add water and fry, a total of 3 times to take Jianzhi, combined medicine or juice, to gauze Irazu. The combined decoction juice, heated suffering concentrated to thick, add Baimi 1 times, heated to boiling cease-fire and leave to cool reserve bottling. 2 tablespoons every empty stomach in order to open water of the Beverage Service. 2 to 3 times a day, and even serving 4 to 6 weeks. This cream nourishing blood, phlegm Sanjie. For advanced breast cancer two blood loss, tumor to distant metastasis.
⑧ British public pill. Dandelion 50 g, Scorpio 50 g, a large centipede, the blood of more than 25 g, realgar 35 g, amount of vinegar. Drying for the end of all taste, vinegar pan for the pills, Kiriko large. 1 day, 1 10 g, white sprinkle delivery service. Ulceration who had been rotting for breast cancer.
⑨ tangerine soup. Hawthorn cake 250 g, safflower 2 g, orange 100 g, sugar 75 g, small starch 100 g. Hawthorn cake will be cut into bars, put the pot, add water, 500ml, cook for 15 minutes into the saffron, sugar, diced oranges, water, open, can thicken. Qi stagnation for breast pain.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
What foods can prevent breast cancer?

In life frequently eat some vegetables and honey and yogurt, pollen food, tea, fungi food, seafood can be effective in preventing breast cancer, vegetables and fresh vegetables such as carrots, radish, gourd fruit, eggplant, cabbage, etc., containing the interferon inducer, can stimulate cells to produce interferon. This substance can enhance the patient's resistance to disease and cancer. But it is vulnerable to the effects of heat damage, so the above. Food to be eaten raw as well. Many studies have confirmed that garlic has anti-cancer ability of garlic in the fat-soluble volatile oil can activate macrophages, enhance the body's cancer-fighting ability; also contains a sulfur-containing compounds, also have to kill tumor cells. Onions can also be cancer, it may contain a glutathione and a variety of vitamins reason. Lymphoma, bladder cancer, lung cancer and skin cancer, and so are defensive role.
Honey and royal jelly honey can promote metabolism, increase body resistance to improve the hematopoietic function and tissue repair. In recent years, found that bee royal jelly contains a special lactic acid, effective prevention and treatment of cancer.
Milk and yogurt milk calcium and vitamin D, in the intestine combined with carcinogenic substances, removing its harmful effects. Yogurt can inhibit tumor cell growth.
Pollen food effect is to increase intelligence, to promote development, the blood, increase endurance, anti-aging, with a hormone-like role in enhancing disease resistance and so on.
Tea contains catechins, to remove the body of radioactive substances. Rehabilitation of patients undergoing radiotherapy are often beneficial tea. Tea can also prevent tooth decay.
Fungal foods contain sugars and interferon inducer, can inhibit tumor. Mushrooms on the stomach, esophagus, lung cancer, cervical cancer have a certain effect. Mushroom also has the same effect on tumor inhibition. Hericium effect on gastric cancer, prolong patient survival time and improve immunity. White fungus on the tumor was inhibited. In recent years, found that 90% of the B Poria cocos polysaccharide can enhance immune function, have anti-cancer tumors.
Seafood can be used as the treatment of cancer patients food. The main active ingredient is seaweed polysaccharide and sodium alginate. Alginate combined with radioactive strontium excreted. Eat kelp, seaweed and other foods for health. Shark cartilage can inhibit tumor growth, inhibit the tumor to the surrounding shark fin infiltration capacity. Fish is rich in selenium, zinc, calcium
Beware of women's health "the first killer"

Dietary strategies during chemotherapy in breast cancer

Conventional wisdom is that the proliferation of breast cancer by a certain order of time and distance, and recent biological studies show that breast cancer cell division from a single 1cm in diameter the size of mass reproduction, growth, more than 3 years at least, to the systemic hematogenous provide enough time, so systemic treatment is more and more attention. Before and after surgery systemic chemotherapy to kill subclinical metastases is to improve the treatment effect, increase the survival rate of more mature treatment. In particular, cases of axillary lymph node metastases, the efficacy of adjuvant chemotherapy after surgery is more apparent. Although the exact effect of chemotherapy has been fully confirmed, but because of the many side effects of chemotherapy, such as gastrointestinal reactions (nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, abdominal pain, diarrhea), myelosuppression (neutropenia, decreased red blood cells, thrombocytopenia) , gastrointestinal mucosal ulceration, hair loss, abnormal liver and kidney function, in part because patients can not tolerate the interruption of treatment.
How to better guide patients through chemotherapy steady increase efficacy?
In addition to psychological counseling, the diet can also play a guiding role. Guangdong Province, she has the unique food culture, the daily diet has many Taboo, always in consultation with the clinician: "I can eat anything, can not eat?" In fact, tumor patients, traditional Chinese medicine theory that "there is the stomach gas is raw, no Stomach is dead, "Wei Qi's performance is very important" can not eat. " So patients during chemotherapy is in the common pale mouth, anorexia, nausea, vomiting and even can not eat during this period need not have too many taboos, can let go of the fetters of bondage past, grasp the following principles "do not eat old deterioration or irritating things, eating smoked, grilled, marinated, fried, salty food, the staple food grain with the thickness to ensure the nutritional balance "after not too many taboos, you can eat all you want. Only able to eat according to the amount fed to adhere to the timely completion of chemotherapy, to ensure efficacy of chemotherapy! Here are some little knowledge on the diet, I hope she has the appetite for increased help.
(1) the replacement of recipes, cooking methods change: A new food can promote appetite, such as patients who eat pork can replace food fish, lamb, chicken, etc., can eat some conditional turtle, turtle. Changing the cooking of food has a different color, flavor, can also increase appetite. But no matter what kind of food, cooking food must reach the degree of comparison Shulan before they can successfully digest and absorb. At the same time more difficult to digest meat, add more ginger when cooking dried tangerine peel, etc. in order to facilitate and promote digestion and appetite.
(2) Diet appetizers spleen: ① diced Hawthorn: Hawthorn 100g, lean pork (or beef) meat 1000g, vegetable oil 250g, and shiitake mushrooms, ginger, onion, pepper, cooking wine, monosodium glutamate, the amount of sugar. First lean meat cut into pieces, fried too, and then thoroughly dry out Hawthorn skull and other spices, you can eat. Cancer can be either an appetizer. ② Astragalus yam soup: astragalus 30g, plus boiled for half an hour, to the residue, add Huai tablets 60g (Yam suitably washed into the salt water soak food), cook for 30 minutes, add sugar (constipation and honey) Serve. Daily morning and at night 1. With Qi and blood circulation, increase appetite, enhance the role of gastrointestinal absorption.
(3) Eat high vitamin content of fresh vegetables and fruits: These foods can not only increase the resistance, but also increase the appetite. Some patients think that should not eat raw, cold foods, but fruits and vegetables, as the case should be treated, light and refreshing to eat some raw mixed with cold dishes and fruits, especially chemotherapy, radiotherapy period, with a clear role of appetizers, but if the Pan-mouth pale saliva were clear, warm clothes should be a little heat, but not over-eating.
(4) during chemotherapy, patients often eat the Hong Kou Zhong Xi taste of food, which often can be ginger fried rice, and even a small amount of pickled vegetables, fermented bean curd, chili and other dishes adorned with a great benefit for the patients to improve appetite, this time, "Rice is a steel" only truly is the last word.
(5) The exchange of food between the experience of patients: patients can not only between the exchange of experience eating each other, but also help increase appetite, which is necessary in patients with cancer. Categories listed below toxicity of chemotherapy and methods of conditioning diet.
Decreased blood meal conditioning
Chemotherapy can cause bone marrow aplasia, particularly in the most obvious decline in white blood cells. Blood for the effective prevention of decline in patients with chemotherapy should be added when the high protein diet, such as milk, soy, lean meat, trotters, sea cucumber, fish, animal liver and red dates, peanuts, walnuts, black fungus, carrot, red bean and so on. Blackfish, beef, animal peptone, such as animal skin glue brewed glue (gelatin), pig skin glue (pork skin peptone), also help to improve the white blood cells. Antler, Placenta, ginseng can also be guided by rational application of traditional Chinese medicine. Chinese make up most attention to the dirty dirty, so during chemotherapy can also increase the amount of animal bone marrow, such as cattle, sheep, pig bone marrow soup, or chicken blood, duck, goose blood, pig production diet. Also can eat some five black foods, such as black sesame, black rice, black beans, black date and so on. TCM believes that "black can into the kidney," five black foods can fill in kidney marrow, contribute to the improvement of blood.
Gastrointestinal toxicity of dietary conditioning
Chemotherapy can cause oral mucositis, expressed as mucosal congestion, edema, ulcers, pain. This time to maintain oral hygiene, brush your teeth after eating, high-nutrient liquid supplement liquid diet, or do, such as Lianzi Geng, gold ear white fungus soup, milk, soy milk, fish soup and so on. Avoid eating hot, too sour and pungent food, acute inflammation of delicious ice quickly to reduce the inflammatory exudate, ulcers can add crushed 20 ml honey, vitamin C0.1 g, mouths, 2 to 4 times a day . Snow lamb can also be a try. Chemical treatment of gastrointestinal mucosal damage can be nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, anorexia and so on. Then you can eat appetizers, such as hawthorn, lentils, yam, white radish, mushrooms, etc., while Eat small meals often, avoid a sense of satiety. To eat slowly, do not lie horizontally one hour after a meal, you can distribute, do not eat 1 hour before chemotherapy, the water, such as nausea and vomiting when eating fresh ginger can be taken orally 3 to 5 ml. At this point the soup should not drink too much.
Liver and kidney damage and prevention of dietary conditioning
Some chemotherapy drugs can cause liver damage, transaminase elevation occurs. You should eat bitter gourd, green bean sprouts, tea, mushrooms, Agaricus, morel, Ganoderma, Hericium mushroom Coriolus versicolor and other fungi food (mushrooms and ginger should be cold side, with the use of Qi Zi), eat the rich vitamin fruit, such as the kiwi, peaches, apples, grapes, drink green tea, oolong tea, honey water. Such as severe liver damage, you can use Schisandra 20 grams, 20 grams medlar stewed carp soup. Some chemotherapy drugs can also cause kidney damage, such as cisplatin and so on. Clinically, the use of such drugs to more water, eat fresh vegetables and fruits (alkaline foods). Once renal injury to limit protein intake, combined edema to eat less salt, eat animal kidneys, mullet, spinach and red amaranth, a high water content can also eat some foods have a diuretic effect, such as watermelon, cucumber , wax gourd, loofah, etc..
After breast cancer chemotherapy side effects diet during the
Breast cancer chemotherapy drugs have varying degrees of side effects, they kill the tumor cells while also killing normal tissue cells, especially in the growth and development of strong anti-human blood, lymphoid tissue cells. And organization of these cells are the immune defense system, undermining the body's immune system, cancer may be developing rapidly, causing serious consequences. Although side effects than chemotherapy, radiation light, but most cancer patients receiving radiotherapy only cancer cells will be destroyed, even the human leukocyte also suffered serious damage, reduced immunity, so there lack of energy, loss of appetite, body weakness, fatigue and other symptoms and skin and mucous membrane of the local reaction. Therefore, chemotherapy and radiotherapy for breast cancer patients, improve immunity is the key. Maitake Introduction to Complex cents
Sin is to re-Maitake Maitake D-fraction of the Chinese name, from the fruiting bodies of Maitake extract, after separation, purification obtained proteoglycan, and its percentage of polysaccharide and protein is 7:3, average molecular weight is 100 million. Polysaccharide in part by a β-(1-3) side chain of β-(1-6) glucan and a β-(1-6) side chain of β-(1-3) glucan composition.
Maitake cents to anti-tumor effect of re-
1) activation of immune function
2) induced apoptosis in cancer cells naturally
3) inhibition of cancer cell growth
4) Prevention of cancer metastasis
5) normal cells to prevent cancer
6) and anti-cancer drug combination synergy
7) to reduce the side effects of chemotherapy
Maitake products to re-cents effect on patients with different stages
1, has just been confirmed, but no surgery or radiotherapy and chemotherapy: the ability to activate the immune system, is expected to kill cancer cells while inhibiting the transfer, stable disease, for surgery follow-up treatment for a favorable time;
2, during the post-operative chemotherapy: the ability to enhance the immune system, improve physical fitness, to minimize the side effects of radiotherapy and chemotherapy; the same time, hopefully with some of the traditional anti-cancer drug synergy, enhance the effect of chemotherapy;
3, surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy: to be effective to maintain the body's normal immune function, enhance physical fitness, prevention of metastasis and recurrence may occur;
4, late in critically ill patients: reduce pain, improve appetite, slow speed of progression of the disease and prolong survival time and improve quality of life;
Breast cancer care in the dietary
1. Should eat foods with anti-cancer effects, such as the hippocampus, horseshoe crab (hòu), cobra meat, sperm whale oil, meat, toads, crabs, clams, oysters, sea turtle meat, seaweed, asparagus, agar.
2. Should eat with strengthening the immune system to prevent the recurrence of food, including mulberry, kiwi, asparagus, pumpkin, dates, onions, leeks, barley, beans, yam, mushrooms, shrimp, crab, herring, shrimp, snakes.
3. Swelling Yichi barley, sponge gourd, red bean, taro, grape, lychee, water chestnuts, carp, Cat Fish, shark fish, seaweed, loach, catfish, snail.
4. Pain, nipple retraction Yichi fennel, green onion, shrimp, sea dragons, whales wiped sesame oil, orange cake, Torreya (fěi) son, grapefruit, TAL.
1. Avoid tobacco, alcohol, coffee, cocoa.
2. Ji Xin pepper, ginger, cinnamon and other spicy spicy food.
3. Avoid fatty, fried, mildew, preserved food.